Douglas Brett  Bronze   ModernLifeDesigns                                                  

Tuning Fork Figure     © 2004     16.5"H x 11"W x 4"D          Edition 100


















         Tuning Fork Figure

A simple retangular sculpture, basic squared u-shaped forms, whats important is the powerful negative spaces. The strong force of the verticle and horizontal planes which create strong movements that the eye is drawn into and cannot help but be transfixed by these powerful energetic negative spaces. The simple becomes the complex an architectonic icon, which would be suitable as a corporate symbol because you are not going to forget this image in all its simplicity. This being part of a series of hard edged and retangular forms I have been working with for a while, using the powerful dynamics of negative forms. This is not sculpturally the finest piece but what it describes and captures, the speed and movement of space and time, its energetics can't be beat, it is a sucessful design because of this strong energy, its fun, its exciting, its upbeat and it is still a marvel of creativity. If you want an architectural abstract yet figurative sculpture and like hard edges this could be for you

I was lost for a name of this piece but fortunately someone at the foundry knew what it was, "hey it looks like a pair of tuning forks" there you have it, thank you very much.

Douglas Brett

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