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Special Collections
i lve you figure
I Love You Figures
Wow figure
Wow God Figure
star snake
Star Snake Pendants
llady picasso collection
Lady Picasso Pendants
scull collection
Kathy Brett Collection
Bats  Kathy Brett collection
Katys Cats
Katy's Cat Sculptures


ribbon hart figureribbon Hart Figure Cross bronze
Ribbon Hart Figure 
the cyclists
The cyclist
Wow goddess
Wow Goddess
Ancient Venus Figure
Pendants  front & back view
buddah pendant
Buddah Pendants
star figure
Star Figure  Hexagram
jester of harts
Jester of Harts Collection
Fish Collections
Ancient  inspired
 Fish Collection 
Medals . Amulets . Talismans
Kissing Hart 
Kissing Harts Collection
Lucky 7 dancers
Lucky 7 Dancers
Man in the Hand
Man in the Hand
MONKEY SCULL bronze and silver
Monkey Sculls    doug's interpretation
SnowFlake Collection
double Wave Band

Wedding and Commitment  
Band Collection

Dancing Thank You Figure
Dancing thank you Figure 
fuck you jewelry
Fuck You  Collection



These are just a few of the many custom designed jewelry available at 
Douglas Brett Modern Life Designs.
Scroll down to view the below sections. Click on images to enlarge
still under constuction
 The New Section of Jewelry above Clic
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Rings, Earings, and Chains

Pins, Pendants, and Necklaces

Pin, Pendants, and Cufflinks
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Pin, Pendants, and Cufflinks Pin, Pendants, and Chains Pins, Pendants, and Rings

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Pins, and Pendants

Pins, Pendants, and Necklaces

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Rings Bracelets, Pins, Pendants and Rings